Utah In Pictures

We went to Utah for Great (or Great Great in Noodle’s case) Grandma’s funeral. It may have been the quickest longest trip of my life. MIL rode along. We left Tuesday night about 5:30, arrived in Utah at 6:00 Wednesday morning. We left Friday morning at 7:00 and were home Friday night by 6:00. MIL and I do not see eye to eye on ANYTHING so it was interesting to say the least and because its my blog and she isn’t worth the effort that is the last she will be mentioned. So there.


Although there are no pictures to prove it, we did all clean up and put on our Sunday best for the viewing and the funeral. (Except for the person we aren’t mentioning, but that is another post on its own. Maybe.).


utah10 002 This is Bridal Veil Falls.  I make Hubs take me every time we go to Utah. The pictures don’t do it justice.


utah10 006

 utah10 012 Our alarm clocks. Hubs and I slept out in the camper and these lovely little bastards birds were up early and the roosters were sure to let us know.


utah10 015 utah10 018 Baby pheasants and a big boy pheasant. I think he is lovely but he was molting, so not a pretty as he could be apparently. Hubs uncle must have 20 -25 pheasants not counting the babes.


utah10 020 Hubs and I with my favorite uncles of his.



utah10 022I was trying to hide my drink behind my back and cousin next to me was trying to make me spill 🙂


utah10 028 The view from the back porch. If you look closely you can see snow still on the peaks.


utah10 029 My girl.


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Red and I. The only thing I know we were doing for sure were shots of whiskey. These photos leading up to the shots? Its hard telling.

One comment on “Utah In Pictures

  1. vixensden says:

    Well, you survived and it looks like not to bad a time was had in between moments, right?

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